Hostess Relocating Head Quarters To Kansas Head Quarters To Kansas

The cannabis-infused edibles movement continues to grow as more states legalize it for medicinal and recreational use. A huge part of that rise can be attributed to innovation in products infused with THC.

A variety of beverage producers are now even infusing THC into sodas, tea, functional drinks, and alcohol. Many of these beverages are made with extracted oil, while some producers use activated ground cannabis or tinctures. Typically, the THC content in infused beverages can range anywhere from small doses of 2.5 milligrams to as much as 100 milligrams per container.

A variety of beverage producers are now even infusing THC into sodas, tea, functional drinks, and alcohol. Many of these beverages are made with extracted oil, while some producers use activated ground cannabis or tinctures. Typically, the THC content in infused beverages can range anywhere from small doses of 2.5 milligrams to as much as 100 milligrams per container.

Hostess Relocating Head Quarters To Kansas Head Quarters To Kansas

The cannabis-infused edibles movement continues to grow as more states legalize it for medicinal and recreational use. A huge part of that rise can be attributed to innovation in products infused with THC.

A variety of beverage producers are now even infusing THC into sodas, tea, functional drinks, and alcohol. Many of these beverages are made with extracted oil, while some producers use activated ground cannabis or tinctures. Typically, the THC content in infused beverages can range anywhere from small doses of 2.5 milligrams to as much as 100 milligrams per container.

With the rapid growth of the infused beverage market, many companies are beginning to explore opportunities within the market. Beverage producers are required to adapt to changing consumer preferences in order to thrive among their competition, and with the increasing popularity of cannabis beverages, these companies are adding cannabis-based operations.

“Established big-brand food and beverage companies are beginning to take notice of the cannabis edibles market and this is likely just the tip of the iceberg,” says Troy Dayton, Chief Executive Officer of Arcview Market Research. “As the edibles business grows and regulatory fears ease, the pace of intra-industry mergers and outside acquisitions will increase as well.”

Having been around for a decade in Colorado, cannabis bakery Love’s Oven is seen not only as top edible producer, but also as a leader in innovation. The company produces a beverage called Legal, which comes in four flavors (Rainier Cherry, Lemon Ginger, Pomegranate, Cranberry) and is an all-natural, fruit-based beverage. It was created by Mirth Provisions, a company out of Washington state, but Love’s Oven is the Colorado manufacturer of this beverage that is unique to the cannabis market.

Mirth Provisions has also introduced three lemonade flavors: Original, Blackberry, and Rainier Cherry. Each beverage is all-natural and contains 100 milligrams of THC.

Hostess relocating head quarters to Kansas

A variety of beverage producers are now even infusing THC into sodas, tea, functional drinks, and alcohol. Many of these beverages are made with extracted oil, while some producers use activated ground cannabis or tinctures. Typically, the THC content in infused beverages can range anywhere from small doses of 2.5 milligrams to as much as 100 milligrams per container.

Having been around for a decade in Colorado, cannabis bakery Love’s Oven is seen not only as top edible producer, but also as a leader in innovation. The company produces a beverage called Legal, which comes in four flavors (Rainier Cherry, Lemon Ginger, Pomegranate, Cranberry) and is an all-natural, fruit-based beverage. It was created by Mirth Provisions, a company out of Washington state, but Love’s Oven is the Colorado manufacturer of this beverage that is unique to the cannabis market.

Mirth Provisions has also introduced three lemonade flavors: Original, Blackberry, and Rainier Cherry. Each beverage is all-natural and contains 100 milligrams of THC.

Hostess relocating head quarters to Kansas

The cannabis-infused edibles movement continues to grow as more states legalize it for medicinal and recreational use. A huge part of that rise can be attributed to innovation in products infused with THC.

A variety of beverage producers are now even infusing THC into sodas, tea, functional drinks, and alcohol. Many of these beverages are made with extracted oil, while some producers use activated ground cannabis or tinctures. Typically, the THC content in infused beverages can range anywhere from small doses of 2.5 milligrams to as much as 100 milligrams per container.

With the rapid growth of the infused beverage market, many companies are beginning to explore opportunities within the market. Beverage producers are required to adapt to changing consumer preferences in order to thrive among their competition, and with the increasing popularity of cannabis beverages, these companies are adding cannabis-based operations.

A variety of beverage producers are now even infusing THC into sodas, tea, functional drinks, and alcohol. Many of these beverages are made with extracted oil, while some producers use activated ground cannabis or tinctures. Typically, the THC content in infused beverages can range anywhere from small doses of 2.5 milligrams to as much as 100 milligrams per container.

With the rapid growth of the infused beverage market, many companies are beginning to explore opportunities within the market. Beverage producers are required to adapt to changing consumer preferences in order to thrive among their competition, and with the increasing popularity of cannabis beverages, these companies are adding cannabis-based operations.

Hostess relocating head quarters to Kansas

With the rapid growth of the infused beverage market, many companies are beginning to explore opportunities within the market. Beverage producers are required to adapt to changing consumer preferences in order to thrive among their competition, and with the increasing popularity of cannabis beverages, these companies are adding cannabis-based operations.

With the rapid growth of the infused beverage market, many companies are beginning to explore opportunities within the market. Beverage producers are required to adapt to changing consumer preferences in order to thrive among their competition, and with the increasing popularity of cannabis beverages, these companies are adding cannabis-based operations.

Hostess Relocating Head Quarters To Kansas Head Quarters To Kansas

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With the rapid growth of the infused beverage market, many companies are beginning to explore opportunities within the market. Beverage producers are required to adapt to changing consumer preferences in order to thrive among their competition, and with the increasing popularity of cannabis beverages, these companies are adding cannabis-based

A variety of beverage producers are now even infusing THC into sodas, tea, functional drinks, and alcohol. Many of these beverages are made with extracted oil, while some producers use activated ground cannabis or tinctures. Typically, the THC content in infused beverages can range anywhere from small doses of 2.5 milligrams to as much as 100 milligrams per container.

ith the rapid growth of the infused beverage market, many companies are beginning to explore opportunities within the market. Beverage producers are required to adapt to changing consumer preferences in order to thrive among their competition, and with the increasing popularity of cannabis beverages, these companies are adding cannabis-based operations.


Lunedì 4 Febbraio | Cantiene di S. Marzano – Pastificio Benagiano S.Teramo

Lunedì 4 Febbraio, evento in collaborazione con Cantiene di S. Marzano ed il Pastificio Benagiano S.Teramo
In esclusiva  per la serata due formati di pasta prodotti dal Pastificio
Menu della serata
Antipasto di Polipetti arrosto su crema di patate
Pasta al curcuma con ragù bianco di gamberi
Pasta alla canapa sativa, purè di fave e cicoriella selvatica
Stracotto di scottona al negramaro F cantine S. Marzano
a concludere, Ricotta dolce al Limone
per informazioni e prenotazioni, 340 5337800

15 Luglio – Cantine Velenosi

Domenica 15 Luglio, Il Ristorante Gatto Rosso ospiterà le Cantine Velenosi: un appuntamento fresco, a tempo di Jazz e con le sonorità di Tiziano Palma DJ, per una cena in piedi a bouffet dei migliori prodotti del nostro mare.

costo della serata € 25,00


La notte di Laurent Perrier

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Inizia un po’ in sordina, con gli ospiti che arrivano alla spicciolata e infreddoliti. In cucina la temperatura è alta, un po’ per le piastre roventi, un po’ per l’eccitazione della preparazione. C’è chi taglia, chi frigge, chi mescola, chi guarnisce, freneticamente. In sala, invece, l’atmosfera stenta a scaldarsi, un po’ perché non ci si conosce tutti, un po’ per le aspettative sull’esito della serata.

A conciliare sala e cucina ci pensa il perlage del Brut Laurent Perrier finalmente versato nelle flutes. A vederlo mette già allegria. Assaggiarlo, poi, fa dimenticare immediatamente un inverno troppo lungo per noi tarantini. I piatti, leggeri, golosi e invitanti, alla maniera del Gatto Rosso, scorrono via senza pensieri, tra battute, bollicine e sorrisi. Il peso piuma delle tartellette alla créme fraiche, la croccantezza precisa dei gamberi in tempura, l’eleganza classica del risotto ai violetti dello Jonio e champagne, la sapidità decisa dei medaglioni di calamaro ripieni di patate, mortadella e mozzarella di bufala. Man mano che i sapori incalzano, si passa dalla spensieratezza un po’ ruffiana del Brut alla pienezza e al carattere deciso della Cuveè Rosè. Un preludio fruttato alla freschezza del dessert, un docile e profumatissimo sorbetto di fragole di Policoro.

Fa pensare alla primavera e al caldo, ancora lontano, ma basta per illudersi che la notte, fuori, sarà un po’ più mite. E la strada da affrontare meno faticosa.



Danilo Giaffreda